• MLU Halle-Wittenberg – Löwengebäude
  • Ifo Institut Dresden
  • Universität Leipzig -Treppenhaus Albertina
  • Universität Leipzig – Institutsgebäude
  • TU Dresden – Luftbild
  • Universität Madgeburg
  • IWH – Außenansicht
  • Universität Leipzig – Leibniz-Denkmal
  • TU Dresden – Vorderansicht
  • TU Dresden – Hörsaalzentrum auf dem Campus
  • IWH Innenhof
  • FSU – Vorderansicht
  • FSU – von oben
  • FSU – Saal
  • OvGU Gelände

Microfinance, entrepreneurship, and development


Lecture 1 Wednesday October 5 (room SCH B037)
10.15-12.00 “Lending to the poor”

Lecture 2 Thursday October 6 (room SCH B037)
10.15-12.00 “Saving mechanisms”

Lecture 3 Friday October 7 (room SCH B037)
10.15-12.00 “Business training”

Reading list

Lecture 1 “Lending to the poor”
[1] Banerjee, A., E. Duflo, R. Glennerster, C. Kinnan (2009), “The miracle of microfinance? Evidence from a randomized evaluation,” mimeo MIT.
[2] Karlan, D and J. Morduch (2009), “Access to finance,” Chapter 2 in D. Rodrik and M. Rosenzweig, eds, Handbook of development economics, volume 5, North-Holland.
[3] Morduch, J., B. Armendariz de Aghion (2004). „Microfinance: Where do we stand?“ Chapter 5 in C. Goodhart, ed., Financial Development and Economic Growth: Explaining the Links, Palgrave Macmillan.

Lecture 2 “Saving mechanisms”
[1] Anderson, S. and J-M. Baland (2002), “The economics of roscas and intrahousehold resource allocation,” Quarterly Journal of Economics, 117: 963-95.
[2] Ashraf, N., D. Karlan, W. Yin (2006) «Tying Odysseus to the mast: Evidence from a commitment savings program in the Philippines», Quarterly Journal of Economics: 635-672.

Lecture 3 “Business training”
[1] Berge, L-I O., K. Bjorvatn, B. Tungodden (2010), “On the role of human and financial capital for microenterprise development: Evidence from a field experiment in Tanzania,” mimeo NHH.
[2] Karlan, D. and M. Valdivia (2011), “Teaching entrepreneurship: Impact of business training on microfinance clients and institutions,” Review of Economics and Statistics, 93: 510-527.


Write a research proposal of approx. 5 pages based on the topic of one of the lectures

