Special Courses
Economics of Crime
Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Mikael Priks (Stockhom University)
Date: July, 2 2012 – July, 3 2012 (TU Dresden)
Venue: TU Dresden
Registration: christian.lessmann@tu-dresden.de
The course deals with the basic economic models of crime and surveys recent research on different forms of crime
Day 1: 02.07.2012, TU Dresden, SCH B037 – Lecture 1: Introduction,09:30-11:00am
Becker and followers
some early criminology and sociology work
basic examples of identification problems and solutions
Day 2: 03.07.2012, TU Dresden, SCH B037 – Lecture 2: Topics on the research frontier,01:00-02:30pm
substance abuse
Lecture 3: Hooliganomics, 03:00-04:30pm
For any comments or any other issues that concern the seminar please email mikael.priks@ne.su.se.