• MLU Halle-Wittenberg – Löwengebäude
  • Ifo Institut Dresden
  • Universität Leipzig -Treppenhaus Albertina
  • Universität Leipzig – Institutsgebäude
  • TU Dresden – Luftbild
  • Universität Madgeburg
  • IWH – Außenansicht
  • Universität Leipzig – Leibniz-Denkmal
  • TU Dresden – Vorderansicht
  • TU Dresden – Hörsaalzentrum auf dem Campus
  • IWH Innenhof
  • FSU – Vorderansicht
  • FSU – von oben
  • FSU – Saal
  • OvGU Gelände

Personal Qualification Workshop

– Presenting Scientific Papers –

Lecturer: Constanze Armbrecht
Venue: Halle Institute for Economic Research (IWH) – Member of the Leibniz Association, Kleine Maerkerstrasse 8, 06108 Halle (Saale), Germany, conference room (ground floor)
Date: 17 October to 18 October 2017 (each day 10:00-12:30 pm and 13:30-17:00 pm)
Registration: Please contact Annett Hartung, E-mail: annett.hartung@iwh-halle.de, until 1 September 2017.

Announcement see pdf


This seminar develops vital presentation skills that enable participants to perform confidently in scientific paper and poster presenta­tions, conference lectures and scientific discussions, or other situations of speaking in front of a scientific audience. Participants will learn how to clarify their speech purpose and goal, explore their audience`s needs and expectations, build strong argumentation through five-sentence structures. They are guided in choosing words of power, creating dynamic narrative, enhancing the clarity of their visual support and developing performance techniques that involve body, voice and stage presence.

The seminar`s five focal themes

– getting clear about purpose and goal, aligning with the audience
– organizing persuasive argumentation and goal-oriented content
– enhancing memorability through effective narrative and visual elements
– optimizing body language and use of voice
– handling questions and exploring means to relax and anchor confidence


Group discussions, group feedback for individuals, mini group and partner exercises, individual work time, exercises and mini-pre­sentations, longer presentations (3-6 min.), instructor input and feedback, visuals and videos, camera recording and evaluation.

Basic Workshop Program

Day 1: introductory exercises, defining workshop goals, theoretical input on the components of effective communication, distilling a clear goal for a talk, aligning with audience, using basic rhetoric structures, basic elements for dynamic narrative and memora­bility, camera recording of participants’ presentations

Day 2: analyzing recorded presentations with group feedback and trainer feedback, exploring positive body language and voice (exercises), guidelines for effective visual aids, guiding through a poster, handling questions, relaxation techniques, summary and outlook

The course is designed for at most 15 participants.